Instrumental Music
Tuscaloosa Fine Arts Academy: Instrumental Music
Tuscaloosa Fine Arts Academy Instrumental Music Program:
The TFAA instrumental music program exists to develop enrolled students in grades 9-12 in mastering the Art of instrumental performance through private instrumental study, music theory, music history, and practical instrumental experiences.
Recent graduates of the TFAA Instrumental Music Program have accumulated scholarships in excess of 3 million dollars. Several of these students have chosen music as their college major or minor. We are excited about the opportunities that we can provide our graduates and we would like to think that their exposure to instrumental music here is partly to blame.
To be admitted to the TFAA, students first apply by the deadline date posted by the Tuscaloosa City Schools early spring semester each year. After applying, students interested in instrumental music must complete an audition with the I.M. director.
Audition Requirements are as follows:
- Being enrolled in an instrumental prior to submitting the application.
- Perform a minimum of 7 major scales with related Arpeggios.
- Sight Read Music Level 1-5.
- Perform a short prepared piece.
Students who have successfully completed the audition process are eligible to participate in any of the following instrumental ensembles listed below:
- Concert Band (1-4)
- Symphonic Band
- Marching Band (1-4)
- Jazz Band (1-4) (TFAA Elite Ensemble)
Director: Selwyn W. Reed
Each of the above ensembles has participated in state-sanctioned events and has received a Superior Rating. They have all participated in various community functions, school and district events. The I.M program has hosted the Marine Band, Alabama A&M University Wind Ensemble, Stillman College Jazz Band, Shelton State Community College Jazz Ensemble, The University of Alabama School of Music Professors (Performance Group) and a host of professional musicians who sometimes drop in to share their talents with students of TFAA.